
Ephrata Mennonite School partners with parents and churches to challenge students to become citizens of the Kingdom of God, who are Lifelong Learners and Team Players, through Diligent Work and Academic Excellence.


Core Values

Kingdom Citizens:

  • Work to serve and advance the global kingdom of God and reject nationalism and the kingdoms of this world.
  • Understand and are committed to “kingdom values” and radically following Jesus.
  • Participate as church members, investing time and resources to serve the local church.
  • Trust the Bible as the authority which directs their daily lives.

Lifelong Learners:

  • Have the academic and social skills necessary to manage independent learning.
  • Have a disposition that values humility and continual learning.
  • Have made preparations for college, career, or Christian service opportunities.

Team Players:

  • Serve those with spiritual and physical needs to build God’s kingdom on earth.
  • Receive and give feedback in reflective and redemptive ways.
  • Train to lead teams/groups of people (classmates, committees, youth group, etc.).
  • Acquire the self-discipline to regulate and sustain healthy personal behaviors.

Diligent Work:

  • Demonstrate integrity and responsibility in career pursuits that promote “kingdom values.”
  • Use spiritual gifts, as appropriate, to minister to others.
  • Persevere through difficulty to overcome adversity.

Academic Excellence:

  • Skillful and well-versed in music, visual arts, and technology.
  • Fluent in English and conversant in at least one foreign language.
  • Widely learned in the humanities, science, and mathematics.
  • Effective written and oral communicators.

Ephrata Mennonite School partners with parents and churches to challenge students to become Citizens of the Kingdom of God, who are Lifelong Learners and Team Players, through Diligent Work and Academic Excellence.