
We constantly search for high quality teachers and support staff thoughtfully consider each application. If you would like to join a professional team of learners and leaders, who are committed to building the Kingdom of God, please consider applying below. We’d love to talk to you about our vision for high quality, Anabaptist education. Our school is a growing community and an exciting place to work!

Questions, applications, or resumes may be submitted to Mr. Joshua Good, School Administrator, joshua.good@ephratamennonite.org, 717-738-4266 ext 140.

A downloadable application link is listed below. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or ethnicity.



Ephrata Mennonite School partners with parents and churches to challenge students to become Citizens of the Kingdom of God, who are Lifelong Learners and Team Players, through Diligent Work and Academic Excellence.