Fine Arts

We believe the arts can be an effective means of praising God. And that art as a form can serve to point us to the beauty of God. In that spirit, we endeavor to build in each student a deep appreciation for Godly art.

Historically Mennonites have been known as “good singers” of four part harmony hymns. And we wish to build on that tradition. We equip our students with the skills necessary to effectively lead and participate in congregational singing. Our students learn the fundamentals of music theory and singing throughout their K-12 experience. In high school, our students have opportunities to fine tune areas of interest such as vocal performance, instrumental music, drama, and visual arts.

Our students explore and perform a variety of musical styles ranging from Classical to Southern Gospel to Bluegrass to more Contemporary Christian Music. These settings include everything from All School Choir, to Ministry Arts Team to solo recitals (and many other options). Ministry Arts Team, the school’s high school group composed of students specifically interested in performance, gives students experience in singing, acting, set design and construction, sound, lighting, and videography.

Beyond the performing arts, we also offer other art classes for all students each year. These including painting, drawing, and pottery.


Ephrata Mennonite School partners with parents and churches to challenge students to become Citizens of the Kingdom of God, who are Lifelong Learners and Team Players, through Diligent Work and Academic Excellence.